How to Plan a Cremation Service

Could there be anything more difficult than preparing for a funeral? Certainly, such an end-of-life event is hard to look forward to with any great enthusiasm. And it doesn't matter if you're a member of the bereaved inner circle of close family, a co-worker, neighbor or family friend; preparing for a funeral service takes time and forethought.
If you're preparing to attend a funeral, memorial service, or celebration-of-life; the following tips and suggestions can certainly help in your funeral preparations. Naturally, if you have any questions about preparing for a funeral, you should call us. We would be pleased to serve you in any way we can.
Before the Cremation Decision is Made
1. Learn about your cremation options. Review the cremation information found on our website.
2. Engage your family in a discussion. We urge you to bring your family into the conversation to get a better idea about how they feel about cremation and what they would prefer.
3. Speak with a funeral professional. If there are any questions or concerns, please turn to us for the insights you may need at this point
.4. Document your cremation intentions in writing.There are a number of forms we can provide to take this step. Call us to learn more.
5. Arrange for the transportation of your loved one's physical remains. We can escort them to our facility or directly to the crematory.
After Deciding on Cremation
6. Consider what kind of ceremony you would like to have. You can plan for a traditional funeral followed by the cremation or delay the ceremony until you have the time to plan a memorial service, celebration-of-life, or scattering ceremony.
7. Ask for assistance from your family and friends. When making plans for a meaningful event, encourage everyone to get involved. Ask them to gather family photos, write down the stories they'd like to share, and talk to them about the best location for the event. If you would like a eulogy, this is the time to ask someone special to take on that task.
8. Select the music, prayers, or other readings. You don't have to have any of these things but you should decide exactly what you and your guests will do at this event. There are endless possibilities.
9. Contact guests well ahead of time. This is especially important if they will need to travel or request time off from work.
10. Decide what will be done with the cremated remains. Commonly the urn is a visual focal point of a celebration-of-life. Will you then take it home? Will the scattering of ashes be a part of the event? You may want to purchase keepsake urns for family members.
Call on Us
We've had years of experience helping other families make cremation service arrangements. Never hesitate to pick up the phone to call us. We would be privileged to serve you and your family. Simply call to speak with one of our funeral professionals.